The First Presbyterian Church of McMinnville supports several global ministries through direct contributions and through our general giving to the Presbyterian Church (USA) Mission Agency. These ministries are described below and more information can be found by clicking on the link in each section.
IMCK/Good Shepherd Hospital (DR Congo)
The Christian Medical Institute of the Kasai (IMCK) provides vital medical care for the central region of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The Institute, located in the village of Tshikaji, comprises the Good Shepherd Hospital, a school for education of laboratory technicians and nurses, a continuing medical education center, a nutrition center, a clinic in the nearby city of Kananga, and a network of rural health clinics.
Supporting the operation of IMCK, a hydroelectric power facility (dam, powerhouse, and water pumps) was constructed with the aid of PC(USA), the Medical Benevolence Foundation, and USAID. The facility was commissioned in 1988 and provides life giving utilities to the Institute. This area of DR Congo is largely unelectrified.
Our church has been supporting IMCK with financial contributions since 1997. The financial health of IMCK has historically been a problem, made worse by the political instability and conflicts in the country. In 2019, our church along with several others across the USA supported an endowment fund to provide stability for IMCK operations.
For more information on IMCK, click here.
Presbyterian Education Board (Pakistan)
Started by Presbyterian missionaries in 1881, the Presbyterian Education Board (PEB) provides quality education for Pakistani children at the primary and secondary levels. While the initial focus was on improving education for girls, PEB now provides opportunities for both girls and boys to attend.
PEB serves 21 schools in Pakistan and is improving the future of over 6,000 children annually. While rooted in the Christian faith, the faith traditions of all students are respected (60% are Muslims, 40% Christians) with an emphasis on building a sense of community and tolerance among all students.
Our church has been supporting PEB since 2018 through donations to this program and individual scholarships to students.
For more information about PEB, click here.