- Served every Saturday at 5:00 pm
Jesus said, “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.” ~ Matthew 25:35
On Saturday, October 21, 2006 the first Community Dinner was served. Since that time, volunteers from our church and community have provided a free meal every Saturday evening to those who need a meal or value the fellowship provided by sharing a meal. Currently, we are providing approximately 5,000 meals annually.
The Community Dinner provides an enjoyable place for anyone tho would lika a warm meal and conversation. All who come have a hunger of one kind or another! It may be the food, hope, and connection with others or the desire to serve those who are hungry. Our basic principles have remained the same since the very first dinner: everyone is welcome, the food is nutritious, and the meal is free, all in service to God.
The Community Dinner program is dependent on the generous contribution and support of the many individuals that make the dinner a reality every Saturday evening. To these individuals we are forever thankful: you are a blessing to our community.
Are you looking for an opportunity to be part of the volunteer Community Dinner team? Please call the church office at 503-472-6256 to learn how you can be a part of this meaningful mission.
Click here for the online volunteer signup.
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