“…God’s work in creation is too wonderful, too ancient, too beautiful, too good to be desecrated…Restoring creation is God’s own work in our time, in which God comes both to judge and to restore…”
PC(USA) Environmental Policy
As faithful stewards of God’s creation, we strive to reduce the environmental impact of our church facility and to encourage members, friends, and community partners to make changes in their personal lives to:
become more efficient in the use of energy sources
reduce pollution of air, land and water
adopt practices that will prevent global warming and its disastrous impact on our planet
Check out our Earth Care certification press release!
Covid-19 and Earth Care
The Earth Care Committee has been discussing the impacts of the pandemic and asking “is there a silver lining in this crisis?” and “what changes will we make in our lives after the crisis is over that can improve the health of our planet?”. We’ve noted how people have adapted their lifestyles and, in many cases, this has supported Earth Care thinking. For example, here is a Meatless Recipe Book (pdf) that provides tasty meals that have a much lower impact on the environment. Check it out and send us your favorites!
The Earth Care Team held a “Repurpose, Recycle, Plant Your Own” event on the church grounds on May 27 as an extension of our Earth Day celebrations. Over 100 friends, neighbors and visitors dropped by to visit our “Repurposing Table” for new ideas, while others took advantage of the free puzzle tables and free plant start tables where over 100 gently used puzzles and 200+ plant starts were given away. It was indeed a great day to celebrate and share God’s creation, love and gifts with others!
Calendar of Earth Care Events
Septembert 28, 8:30am – Earth Care Committee meeting (via Zoom)
Current Projects
Stop by our garden plot at the corner of Second and Davis Streets to view the addition of native plants to our landscaping!