Core Values
God centered, Open, Courageous, Loving
Mission Statement
Together in Christ for all
Vision for Community, Growth, and Mission
We are an open, loving and richly diverse community of faith drawn together by God’s grace and walking in the reconciling way of Jesus Christ. We stay connected in times of celebration and in times of grief.
Our lives and relationships become more healthy, authentic, and fruitful as the Holy Spirit guides our prayer, growth, and understanding of God’s Word and abundant love.
God’s faithful presence equips us to share the good news of life with Christ as we embrace change, act with courage, seek justice, connect our vibrant worship to the rhythms of daily life, and work for peace among all people and all creation.
~ Adopted by Session January 16, 2019
Ministry Overview
Praising God Through Worship and Music
Seeking to offer our praise through spirit-filled worship, we recognize God as the Creator of all life, the source of all hope. As recipients of God’s enduring love and goodness, we offer worship and music as our opportunity to acknowledge and honor these gifts of grace.
Creating an Environment for Spiritual Growth
Living as a Child of God is a life-long faith journey that requires study, prayer, worship and fellowship. This journey is both inward and outward, in the spiritual growth of the individual person and the church community. The church provides opportunities for everyone to grow in this relationship with Jesus Christ.
Reaching Out in Service to Our Community and Beyond
Striving to further God’s mission within the community and the world, we commit our personal service and our financial resources.
Providing All Ages with Opportunities for Christian Learning
Knowing the importance of following Christ and developing a Christian life style, we are committed to offering all ages programs and activities that are scripture based and faith affirming. It is through these sharing relationships that we maintain, enhance and expand our church community.
~ Adopted by Session April 11, 2012